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Dr LIU Liangni, Sally
2014年03月19日 16:33:32  来源: 新华网新加坡频道 【字号 】【收藏】【打印】【关闭

 Dr LIU Liangni, Sally

    Designation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute,

National University of Singapore

    Resume: Sally, LIU Liangni moved to Singapore from New Zealand in June 2013, and since then has been working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Before moving to Singapore, Dr. Liu had worked as a Post-doctoral Research fellow in the Research Office, Auckland University of Technology since she completed her PhD in the School of Asian Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2011, majoring in Asian Studies and Chinese. During her PhD years, she received a University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship and several other research awards.

Her research interest for the last seven years has been largely in the areas of migrant transnationalism, especially Chinese migratory transnationalism. She also has broader research interests in issues that relate to ethnic relations between migrants and mainstream/or indigenous people, and the media influence on ethnic relations. She has published a number of book chapters and research articles in some high-ranked peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Intercultural Studies and Population, Space and Place.

( 编辑: 余南 ) 【字号 打印关闭