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Dr Charlotte SETIJADI
2014年03月19日 16:35:04  来源: 新华网新加坡频道 【字号 】【收藏】【打印】【关闭

Dr Charlotte SETIJADI 

     Designationostdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University

     Abstract: Charlotte SETIJADI is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University. Charlotte received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the School of Social Sciences and Communications, La Trobe University (Australia). In her Doctoral dissertation entitled Memories, Spaces, Identities: An Ethnographic Study of Young Ethnic Chinese in Post-Suharto Indonesia, Charlotte analyzed how collective memories of past anti-Chinese discrimination influence how contemporary ethnic Chinese youth understand and articulate their identities as ‘Chinese’ in post-Suharto Indonesia. In her postdoctoral project Between Indonesia and China: Identity, Language and Transnational Connections Among Post-Suharto Chinese Indonesians, Charlotte will continue her examination of Chinese Indonesian identity politics by looking at how the rapid rise of China affects feelings of ‘Chineseness’ among contemporary Chinese Indonesians. Charlotte’s research interests include the ethnographic study of Chinese Indonesians, overseas Chinese identity politics, migration and social inclusion, and transnational cultural flows in Asia Pacific.


( 编辑: 余南 ) 【字号 打印关闭