Wu Bin
Designation::Senior Research Fellow, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies,
University of Nottingham
Abstract:WU Bin is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, and a founder and convenor of a newly established Centre for Chinese Migration Studies (CCMS), University of Nottingham. With an interdisciplinary training background, his research interests include: working conditions of Chinese seafarers and migrant workers in Italy and the UK; global citizenship, social justice and higher education reform in China and western world; Chinese student migration, integration and Diasporic Chinese community development in the UK and Europe. His recent publications include: "Globalization and vulnerability of Chinese migrant workers in Italy: empirical evidence on working conditions and their consequences" (Journal of Contemporary China.); "Chinese Immigration into the EU: New Trends, Dynamics and Implications" (ECRAN Paper, 2013 with Kevin Latham); "Bringing class back in: Class consciousness and solidarity amongst Chinese migrant workers in Italy and the UK" (Ethnic and Racial Studies, forthcoming, with Hong Liu); "Nottingham Chinese Community in Transition: A survey of community cohesion, integration and university engagement".