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Joe NGUYEN comScore Inc 高级副总裁,亚太区
2014年07月15日 15:38:02  来源: 【字号 】【收藏】【打印】【关闭

    Joe NGUYEN

    comScore Inc 高级副总裁,亚太区



    Mr Joe Nguyen is Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific at comScore, Inc, a global leader in media analytics.

    comScore builds products and services that help clients understand their multi-platform audiences, know if their advertising is working, and leverage data where they want and need it. Joe oversees sales and servicing of comScore’s products and services in Asia Pacific, and has rapidly expanded its footprint to 13 countries across the region.

    Mr Nguyen has more than 20 years of experience in Asia Pacific and is a veteran in the online analytics industry, with experience in both the user and vendor sides of panel-based audience measurement as well as site-side analytics. He is an active thought leader, moderating and speaking at key digital, media and technology conferences in the region.

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