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2014年10月21日 16:26:18  来源: 新华网新加坡频道 【字号 】【收藏】【打印】【关闭



    哈佛大学国际研究与社会学John Zwaanstra教授





    Professor Martin K. Whyte

    John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Sociology

    Harvard University

    Professor Martin K. Whyte has been a Professor of Sociology at Harvard since 2000. Previously, he taught at the University of Michigan and George Washington University. His research and teaching specialties are comparative sociology, sociology of the family, sociology of development, the sociological study of contemporary China, and the study of post-communist transitions.

    Within sociology, Professor Whyte’s primary interest has been in historical and comparative questions – why particular societies are organised the way they are and how differences across societies affect the nature of people’s lives. Professor Whyte is a member of the American Sociological Association, the Association for Asian Studies, the Sociological Research Association, the Population Association of America, and the National Committee for U.S. China Relations.


( 编辑: 余南 ) 【字号 打印关闭